New blog featuring Pelican

Bastian Blank - 11 June 2017

For years I used a working blog setup using Zope, Plone and Quills. Quills was neglected for a long time and made me stuck at the aging Plone 4.2. There seems to be some work done in the last year, but I did not really care. Also this whole …

For years I used a working blog setup using Zope, Plone and Quills. Quills was neglected for a long time and made me stuck at the aging Plone 4.2. There seems to be some work done in the last year, but I did not really care. Also this whole setup was just a bit too heavy for what I actually use it for. Well, static page generators are the new shit, so there we are.

So here is it, some new blog, nice and shiny, which I hope to stop neglecting. The blog is managed in a Git repository. This repository is hosted on a private GitLab instance. It uses Pelican to generate shiny pages and is run via the GitLab CI. The finished pages are served by a, currently not highly available, instance of GitLab Pages (yes, this is one of the parts they copied from Github first).

So let's see if this setup makes me more comfortable.